On March 2nd, FELLER & CO reweighed & processed the EP&C calves & sent us the data that they gathered for our records.
This information showed 15 heifers averaging 816 lbs. & an average of 2.08 ADG. 65 steers averaged 904 lbs. & an average of 2.42 ADG. As a whole pen, the average weight was 888 lbs., and ADG was 2.3586. We understand that this is a bit lower than last year’s Midweight ADG of 3.861, but with the Winter weather that Nebraska has had, we are pleased that they are gaining this well. We have only lost one steer thus far in the program and have only doctored a few.
The pen is set to be shipped the first week in July & our EP&C Awards Banquet is TBD. Thank you all for your patience & support in our program this year!