Plans are set for the 39th Annual Sandhills Cattle Association Educational, Performance, and Carcass Contest. The cattle will be fed at Cottonwood Feeders near Stuart, Nebraska. Calves will be delivered to the feedyard on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, at approximately 1:00 pm central time. Those planning to transport their own calves, please plan to deliver them around this time.
On our website, those interested in participating can find the official contest rules, some frequently asked questions, a draft itinerary of pickup times and locations as well as a registration form. Please fill out the registration form and return it to the office by Thursday, November 5. This will help our office to make final transportation plans and ensure proper entry of all calves into our database.
The rules remain much the same as in years past. Contestants retain ownership of the calves, expenses are deducted at the end of the contest and the Association will retain a small percentage of the gross payment. Along with the financial details, a full contest summary will be provided to all contestants.
We will send out official ear tags as soon as we receive the registration form. Calves must be tagged with the official tag in BOTH ears before loading on the truck or entering the feedyard. The calves must also be brand inspected and this paperwork must accompany them to the feedyard. No calf will load on the truck or unload at the feedyard without an official SCA ear tag and proper brand inspection paperwork. A brand inspector will be available at the Valentine pickup location at 10 am central-time on November 11, however, there will not be a brand inspector available at Cottonwood Feeders, so please plan accordingly.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Sandhills Cattle Office manager, Elysabeth Kierl, at (402) 376-2310. You can also contact one of the committee members: Craig O’Kief, Matt Blackford, Rick Marlatt, Joe Butler, and Derek Schwanebeck.
Register by following this link: