Well, we're nearing the end of another year. It seems like each year goes a little bit faster every year. As you're considering your end donations, I'd like to urge you to donate to our new 'Steers for Students' program. We received four calves for this program this year, which are growing as part of the Educational, Performance & Carcass Contest. When the calves are harvested in June, we are inviting area schools to learn about carcass evaluation and judging with the help of Husker Meats and the UNL Meats department. We will then be donating the locally grown meat to the participating schools!
How will we use your donation? This program aims to ensure that students receive life lessons in beef production while filling their stomachs with locally sourced, locally grown, Sandhills beef! Your contributions would be used to help keep this program free for participating schools by covering feed and processing costs!
If you'd like to donate, you can call the office or send a check with a Steers for Students memo. We can apply the donation to the program in general, or you can specify which school you'd like to sponsor.
Speaking of year-end...we evaluate our current financial standings to ensure the future of the Association. Unfortunately, we are not immune to inflation, which means we had to spend some time reevaluating our memberships. Due to the increasing production costs, business memberships have changed. I'll try to hit to discussion points below.
We've added a membership this year. The PREMIER membership is $6,000 per year. This may sound like a lot, but it's not when you consider the perks! Premier members get $6,400 worth of advertising in the newsletter, $300 value in the Annual Directory, $250 free booth at Convention, $200 in additional subscriptions, $1,200 podcast ads, $100 advertising as the Advertiser of the Month. This all adds up to be $8,450 worth of advertising for your $6,000 investment.
The Corporate memberships have changed a little as well. Unfortunately, due to the increasing production costs, we lost money on these memberships. We offer 50% off your advertising instead of the 100% off previously provided. You still get $3,675 worth of advertising for a $1,250 investment, totaling $2,425 worth of advertising savings!
The other business memberships have had a few changes and can be viewed on our website at SandhillsCattle.com.
We're adding a great new program this year to our lineup! Branding School will be held on April 27th here in Valentine! We are working with Beef Quality Assurance, Jesse Fulton, to bring DR. RON GILL from Texas. We will be holding this hands-on workshop to show appropriate cattle handling techniques during your brandings, proper vaccine handling and shot placement, and even roping etiquette. We'll have demonstrations of rope and drag techniques, as well as chute and table handling to keep the stress levels down of both cattle and people alike.
I am sure your holiday plans have you running from here to there; I ask that you take a minute and truly show your appreciation for those special people in your life this holiday season.